Инновации и эксперимент в образовании

Innovative projects and programs in education.-2012.-№ 3.

Innovative projects and programs in education. - 2012. - № 3.


The theory of innovation activity

Gapontsev I.L., Gapontsev V.L. On the possibility of a synergistic approach to the analysis ofcrisis situations

Gaponyuk P.N. Model of educational technology professional-oriented advanced preuniversityeducation 

Zeer E.F., Novoselov S.A., Davydova N.N. Institutional support of educational innovation 

Prichinin A.E. Innovative Education: The foundation of the uncertainty principle 

Chapaev N.K., Choshanov M.A. Creative pedagogy: issues, contradictions and ways toresolve them

The new educational standards, second generation

Klepikov V.N. Value priorities of the social institution of education 

Semenov J.L. Dialogue of Cultures in bilingual education as a resource for the formation of thecommunicative competence of students 

Oblasova T.V. The development of information skills training students in the study of humanities

Innovations in educational institutions

Chigrin S.G. Organization of artistic communication in the classroom teaching of world culture 

Kovyleva Y.E. Working with the issues as a means of meta-achievement of learning outcomesin secondary school 

Izyurova O.S. The collective creative work as a form of tolerance in young children’s home



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