Инновации и эксперимент в образовании

Innovative projects and programs in education

Brief description of the journal

Journal of applied research "Innovative projects and programs in education" is registered by the Ministry of the Russian Federation for press, broadcasting and mass communications (Certificate of registration of mass media PI № FS77-28487 from 01 June 2007).

The journal has contractual relations with the Agency of "Rospechat" (Contract No7218 from 21.01.2008), the subscription index of the journal in the catalog of "Rospechat" - 71941.

The journal has an international standard serial number of periodicals ISSN 2306-8310.


On the basis of the sublicense agreement with the Scientific electronic library No. 04-04/09-1, dated 04.04.2009 full-text journals since 2008 are placed in the database of the Russian science quotation index and are available to subscribers on the Internet: free full-text version of the peer-reviewed scientific publication is placed in Russian science electronic library from 2008 to 2012 on the website www.elibrary.ru; paid full text version of the peer-reviewed scientific publication is placed in Russian science electronic library from 2013 to 2015 on the website www.elibrary.ru. Five-year impact factor of Russian index of scientific quotation - 0,763. The two-year impact factor of Russian index of scientific quotation - 1, 167


The journal "Innovative projects and programs in education" publishes the most significant scientific works and results of innovational activity of scholars and practitioners on a broad range of areas related to the development of education. Industry: educational science - 13.00.00. Specialties: 13.00.01 - general pedagogy, history of pedagogy and education; 13.00.02 - theory and methodology of training and education (different subject areas); 13.00.08 - theory and methods of professional education

The journal has sections: "Theory of innovation", "The implementation of Federal State Educational Standard", "Innovations in educational institutions", "Theory and methodology of professional education", "Education abroad" and others.


The journal has an editorial Board. Chairman of the editorial Board of the journal, longtime scientific Director of the journal since its founding is Vice-President of Russian Academy of education, academician, Doctor of pedagogical Sciences, Professor Alexander Andreevich Kuznetsov. Site in Russian and English contains a list of the editorial Board (with academic degree, academic title, primary place of work and position) http://in-exp.ru/redkollegia.html


Chief editor of the journal is Sidenko Alla Stepanovna - candidate of pedagogical Sciences, Professor of Academy of upgrading professional standards and training of educational workers.

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Название Просмотров
31 Innovative projects and programs in education.-2013.-№ 3. 3876
32 Innovative projects and programs in education.-2013.-№ 1. 3625
33 Innovative projects and programs in education.-2013.-№ 2. 3805
34 Innovative projects and programs in education.-2012.-№ 6. 3878
35 Innovative projects and programs in education.-2012.-№ 5. 4104
36 Innovative projects and programs in education.-2012.-№ 4. 3792
37 Innovative projects and programs in education.-2012.-№ 3. 3707
38 Innovative projects and programs in education.-2012.-№ 2. 5663
39 Innovative projects and programs in education.-2012.-№ 1. 4017
40 Innovative projects and programs in education.-2011.-№ 6. 4362
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