Инновации и эксперимент в образовании

Innovative projects and programs in education.-2011.-№ 2.


The theory of innovation activity

Verbitsky A.A. Psychological and pedagogical basis for constructing new models of education
Novikova T.G., Fedotov E.E. Estimating with the help of portfolio and changing the concept of school activities, content and teaching methods

The new educational standards, second generation

Lazarev V.S. Fundamentals of planning at schools during the introduction of the new educational standards

Kungurtseva O.A. Service Teacher Internet - Consulting as a means of increasing the intellectual potential of modern teacher

Mamontova M.Y. Monitoring the quality of learning achievements of primary school students based on the technology of mass testing and statistical methods of quality management

Menshenina J.M. Umnikova E.L. Development of the culture of perception of belles-lettres text as a condition to contribute to better spiritual and moral qualities of personality

Usoltseva I.V. Some aspects of organizing extracurricular activities at an educational institution in the context of the introduction of the federal state educational standards


Innovations in educational institutions

Gorb V.G. Educational system of school: properties, structure, potential
Chernushevich V.A. Context- activity approach to the analysis of educational process problems
Vorobiev D.R. Providing conditions for the preparation of competitive welders
Tarakanova V.V., Solov'eva N.G. Psychological aspects of effective work organization with students of vocational schools for the prevention of alcoholism and drug addiction
Yemelyanova I.A. Ways of formation of communicative skills among primary school children with intellectual disabilities
Makarova D.V. Use in speech behavior the expression of intellectual emotions
Nikitina E.V. Ways and forms of joint interaction in preschool and primary school with parents
Ehlakova T.M., Smertina L.A., Selyanina N.N., Salnikova, L.V. The educational system of moral formation of children, a preschooler "Garden of Virtues"
Yakovleva G.V. Innovation in the modern preschool educational institution: the content and organization
Schneider L.V. Methods of teaching general professional discipline "Computer Architecture and Computer Systems"

Master class

Marco A.A. Experimental study of progressive varying rigid body motion
Erhardt O.R. Pronina, N.A. Competence approach to the study of literature in the context of pre-profile training
Zhigareva N.V. Formation of the students’ critical thinking in physics classes through the use of computer models
Maksimova T.V. Application of the technology of critical thinking through reading and writing in history classes
Massanova A.A. Development of physical qualities of the preschool child
Teryaeva I.P. Game as a means of developing creative abilities of primary school age children

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