Innovative projects and programs in education.-2014.-№ 2. |
Innovative projects and programs in education. - 2014. - № 2. CONTENTS The theory of innovation Ovchinnikov M.V., Ziering D.A. Pedagogical activity: Success Criteria Akimov O.B., Tabachenko T.S. Teacher education: the cognitive component tolerance Ogorodnikov A.Y. Integration system of values in the innovation process of social organization
GEF second generation Badmaeva B.B. Age features modern students 10–12 years Sapa A.V. Generation Z – generation era GEF Vasilyeva M.V. Mathematical methods and strategies to address non-standard problems in algebra class in profile (elective course)
Innovations in educational institutions Savin A.P., Abdulgazizova E.R., Zaitseva M.P. Psychological stability in the educational process Poltoratskaya N.L., Repina G.A. Socialization of persons with special educational needs on the basis of the Smolensk Pedagogical College: actual resources, Challenges and Prospects Solovieva V.N. Interdisciplinary communication humanities in the study of literature at school Sharkunova Y.V. Social and personal self-determination of students in a northern region Hudyakov V.P., Kishchenko S.E. Psychological preparation of athletes in team sports training process and competition Petrachkov K.V. Education Phalanx singing students cadet classes Chikova T.A. Impact of multimedia technology on the development of aesthetic education of children's art school students (DSHI)
Education Abroad Skliarenko T.M. Distance education: foreign concepts Sergeeva E.V. Development of creative component in the educational systems of the United Kingdom, the United States and Russia