Innovative projects and programs in education.-2014.-№ 4. |
Innovative projects and programs in education. - 2014. - № 4.
The theory of innovation Zagvyazinsky V.I., Plotnikov L.D., Volosnikova L.M. Strategy possible development of teacher education in Russia Gorinskiy A.S. Value foundations of modern heuristic learning technologies Zeer E.F., Symanyuk E.E. The implementation of competence-based approach in the Innovative Education Volodina E.N. Network project «language development of personality in general education»: the experience of implementation in schools of Tyumen Region Gudova M.Iu. Actual problems of modern culture: postgramotnost Nadolinskaya T.V. The phenomenon of the game in the context of the history of philosophy, culture and pedagogy
Experience and problems of development of higher education Stetcenko I.A. Formation of pedagogical reflection in the system of higher pedagogical education Romanenko A.I. Expertise to optimize the objective content of teaching special subjects in high school Kolokol’nikova Z.U., Lobanova O.V., Yakovleva E.N. Museum education as a means of formation of cultural and educational competence of future teachers Perminov E.A. Methodological principles of mathematical preparation of teachers of vocational training Sal’nikov V.A., Revenco E.M., Bebinov S.E. Innovative physical education: sportsoriented approach. Innovations in educational institutions Veduta O.V. The formation of learning motivation of students of technical secondary specialized educational institution Plekhanov A.A. Organization based distance learning platform moodle in Olympic Reserve School №1 city of Yekaterinburg Kashnik O.I., Bryzgalina A.A. Theoretical aspects of the social security