Innovative projects and programs in education.-2016.-№ 3 Печать

Innovative projects and programs in education. - 2016. - № 3.

В номере:

Theory and methodology of professional education

Zhelezovskaya G. I., Abramova N. V., Gudkova Ye. N.
Creative communicative behavior as a means of creative self-realization of the individual

Kashina N. I., Pavlov D. N.
Problem of development of creative self-realization of students of college of culture and arts in the course of musical and composite activity

Lobachyov D. A., Abdrahimov V. Z.
Innovative directions in environmental education for specialists in physical education

The theory of innovation

Pyankova Zh. A., Poluyanov V. B.
Organization of graphic preparation students using e-learning environment MOODLE

Kashina N. I., Moskalenko O. A.
Development model modern Russian youth of traditional cultural and art values

Innovations in educational institutions

Lozhkina E. J.
Guidelines containing typology models of preschool education, to ensure access to preschool education for children, including a model early childhood development (from 0 to 3 years)

Ovsyannikova O. A. Esthetic education in Tyumen president cadet college

The implementation of the GEF

Kosareva I. V., Hardina Ju. V.
School academy of sciences as a resource of socialization of modern schoolboys

Shirokii V. A.
The historical experience of software development requirements for the formation of subject-specific skills students in history

Abubakirova M. I.
Search and project technology as a method of forming basic competences of innovative specialists in a technical university

Trofimova E. D.
Training preschoolers to the art of singing

Sarafanova E. V., Fedorov V. A.
Practice of development of network interaction of educational institutions of public and vocational education


Authors numbers


Рожкова О.Ю., Евстифеева О.В. Интеграция основного и дополнительного образования как условие повышения качества экологического воспитания детей и подростков
Лобок А.М., Никонова Л.М., Ярославцева Е.А., Бордюгова О.А. Формирование гражданского самосознания и духовно-нравственных качеств личности обучающихся в условиях ученического самоуправления (Проект «Шаг навстречу»)
Шибзухова Л.А. Образовательная программа основного общего образования. Из опыта работы МОУ СОШ № 4 с.п. Исламей